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Camponotus habereri


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Scientific name: Camponotus habereri Taxonomic classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Hymenoptera Family: Formicidae Subfamily: Formicinae Genus: Camponotus

Camponotus lateralis


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Scientific name: Camponotus lateralis Taxonomic classification: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta, Order Hymenoptera, Family Formicidae, Subfamily Formicinae, Genus Camponotus.

Anthill with anti-collapse substrate


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Vertical anthill (21×18) with anti-collapse substrate, perfect to see how the ants build their own chambers and galleries. It includes

Messor minor hesperius (Queen)


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Messor minor hesperius Description: The Messor Minor Hesperius is a mainly granivorous species, watching how they prepare ant bread (paste

Modular anthill ytong


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Modular anthill created of ytong material inside and outside of acrylic.

Ytong block 25X30X7


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Material block ytong size: 25X30X7

Camponotus maculatus Queen


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Camponotus maculatus Camponotus maculatus Origin and distribution: Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Namibia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa,