Showing 1–24 of 238 results

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Myrmica rubra


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Discover the fascinating world of the Myrmica rubra ant in your terrarium or artificial anthill. Observe their incredible teamwork and organization. An educational and exciting experience!

Camponotus Ca02


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Discover the fascinating ant Camponotus CA02! With their imposing size and elegant morphology, these ants captivate with their presence. Ideal for observing inside your anthill or terrarium

Eucorydia yasumatsui


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Beautify your terrarium with the captivating Eucorydia yasumatsui cockroach! With its medium size and beautiful bluish tones on the wings, it adds a unique touch to your environment. Observe their nocturnal activity and marvel at their intriguing behavior. A fascinating addition that will transform your terrarium into a true natural oasis.

Creobroter gemmatus


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Descobreix el fascinant món de la Jewel Mantis: una criatura exòtica i enigmàtica que et convida a explorar el seu comportament únic. Submergeix-te en l'estudi del seu camuflatge, la seva agilitat en la caça i la seva bellesa captivadora. Una experiència que desperta la curiositat i et connecta amb la natura d'una manera inspiradora!

Galleria Mellonella cultivation


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Explore the fascinating world of worm cultivation (Galleria Mellonella)! Ideal as live food for a variety of insects, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods. Discover different sizes and an optimal environment for their development. Let your passion for nature grow!

Dola larvae (pachnoda)


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Dola larvae (Pachnoda): the nutritious and easy-care solution for your pets! With their diet rich in fruits and vegetables, they are an excellent source of protein and contain virtually no fat ideal for ants, arthropods, reptiles and amphibians. Choose the best for your pets!!

Caribena versicolor


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Discover the charming Caribbean versicolor tarantula for your terrarium. With its beautiful coloration, it is a perfect addition for any spider fan. We recommend having previous experience with tarantulas or arachnids in general. Bring beauty and fascination to your space with this captivating species.

Red springtail


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El colémbolo rojo es un valioso alimento vivo para hormigas, insectos, reptiles y anfibios. Es especialmente apreciado por las hormigas cazadoras y ayuda a mantener el equilibrio en un hormiguero o terrario, eliminando hongos y materia orgánica no deseada. Cultivo de colémbolo (100 ml)

Grammostola porteri (Rosea)


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Discover the fascinating company of the Grammostola porteri tarantula! With its unique beauty and adaptability to different terrariums, this tarantula is perfect for beginners in the world of exotic pets. Dare to explore the magic of nature in your home with this captivating tarantula. 🕷️

Brachypelma hamorii (ex smithi)


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Transform your terrarium into a vibrant haven with this unique tarantula. Ideal for beginners in tarantula breeding! Discover the fascinating world of these arachnids, an unforgettable learning experience!



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Maximize your pets' health and promote biodiversity! Full of calcium, cuttlefish bone is essential for strengthening bones and shells in a wide range of animals, from insects to reptiles and birds. A natural resource that benefits all inhabitants of the animal kingdom!

Silkworm (Bombyx mori)


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Explore the life of the silkworm! From their breeding as live food for your exotic pets to their educational role, discover the fascinating metamorphosis of these incredible insects. 🐛

Zophoba morio


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Discover excellence in nutrition for your exotic pets! Zophoba morio, rich in protein and easy to raise, is the ideal live food for reptiles, amphibians and birds. Offers the best for your pet! 🐍🦎🐦 Price per tub (500 ml)

Cristarmadillidium muricatum


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A natural wonder with Cristarmadillidium muricatum! Discover how tiny isopods can inspire greatness. Add a touch of wonder to your terrarium with this furry isopod. Get it now!

Cubaris jupiter


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Discover the fascinating world of isopods with the Cubaris jupiter! From their vibrant colors to their important role in the ecosystem, these little creatures are a unique and fascinating addition to your terrarium. Make your space come alive with their presence! 🌿✨

Cubaris panda king


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Discover the fascinating life in miniature with the Cubaris Panda King: small guardians of ecological balance for your terrarium. Bring your habitat to life with these adorable and beneficial companions!

Porcellio laevis dairy cow


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Discover beauty in miniature! Purchase your own Porcellio laevis Dairy Cow and add a unique touch to your terrarium. Bring your environment to life with these fascinating isopods! 🐄


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Discover the vibrant world of miniature nature with our Porcellio laevis Orange! These charming orange isopods will add a unique splash of color to your terrarium. Easy to care for and fascinating to observe, get yours today and bring your environment to life!

Gromphadorhina portentosa


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Discover the fascinating Madagascar hissing cockroach! Perfect as an exotic pet or for research projects. Its peculiarity and ease of care make it a unique choice. Dare to explore the world of these incredible creatures!

Pseudoglomeris Magnifica


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Discover the stunning Emerald Cockroach (Pseudoglomeris Magnifica), its vibrant green color and unique presence make it a fascinating addition to any environment! Get yours now!

Hymenopus coronatus


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The orchid mantis is an astonishing example of adaptation and camouflage in the animal kingdom, and its ability to mimic flowers is a fascinating showcase of the diversity and complexity of nature. Price by unit.

Phyllocrania paradoxa


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Experience the magic of nature with the Phantom Mantis! Her exceptional camouflage and captivating behavior make her a living treasure. Make it part of your world today! 🌿✨

Lucihormetica verrucosa


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Discover Lucihormetica verrucosa! Unique cockroach with green bioluminescence and warty exoskeleton. Perfect for studios or hobbyists.