Showing 97–108 of 234 results

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Polyrhachis dives


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Scientific name: Polyrhachis dives Taxonomic classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Hymenoptera Family: Formicidae Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Camponotus lasiselene


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Camponotus lasiselene Description: Ants from Southeast Asia that are characterized by being small. Size: 10mm queens. Workers about 4 mm.

3D anthill size 10×15 with foraging


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* The creation time is approx 3 days. Discover this 3D anthill with foraging and water tank, a complete and realistic anthill with natural shapes and with different heights/levels. Tested with different species of ants to find the most perfect version. Features 3D Anthill with foraging: Anthill size: 10 cm x 15 cm Foraging Size: 9 cm x 5 cm Deposit: 25 ml (Antclick System) Chambers/Galleries: Different levels Color: White or Yellow or Pink Lid: Red included. Interior doors: 3

Myrmoteras benghammi colony


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The Myrmoteras benghammi ant is known as the Monster ant, an ant that surprises us just by its appearance!

Pipette (1ml)


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Pipette of (1ml) capacity ideal for feeding our ants. Capacity: 1ml Colour: Transparent / medium opaque You will have no excuses for not having control over the feeding of your ants ;-)

Flexible tube (50 cm) – 12/10 (To make connections)


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Flexible tube (50 cm) ideal for making different connections between different anthills or foraging boxes. Length: 50 cm. Size: 12/10mm. Plastic material. Transparent color.

100 microcentrifuge tubes


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Quantity: 100 tubes: Deposit: 1.5ml Colour: It can vary between Transparent White, Green or Pink depending on the availability of the provider. It is a perfect tube to have samples, these tubes are known as eppendorf tubes. Smaller and more resistant test tubes especially for the micro centrifuge, but in reality it is used in many research fields, one of these fields is myrmecology.



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Simple thermometer ideal to control the temperature of our anthills. Useful to have controlled an ideal environment for ants.